Capasso – dell’Erba

Capasso – dell’Erba

Notaries Alberto Vladimiro Capasso and Giovanna dell’Erba provide both Italian and overseas clients with all the notarial services to be expected from a modern office of law, with ongoing focus on evolving jurisprudence, doctrine and practice, and digitalization of legal services.

The Firm

The Firm

The firm aims to guarantee secure, legal transactions underpinned by criteria of efficiency and speed in identifying the most appropriate endorsed solutions to meet each client’s specific needs, with particular attention to taxation.

A century of history

A century of history

The firm started life in Rome in the early 1900s, founded by notaries Giuseppe Grispini and Vladimiro Capasso, who were succeeded by notaries Filippo Grispini and Raffaello Capasso.

This is why the firm identifies with a high level of expertise and with strong local roots, the result of more than one hundred years of engagement in the notarial field. Over time the firm has partnered important national and international clients, some operating in the context of projects with a significant strategic and economic content, finalizing extremely complex operations.

A consolidated network

A consolidated network

The firm serves clients throughout Italy but also clients overseas, given its strong international calling.

Years of experience and a lengthy history in the field have allowed the firm to consolidate an extensive network of highly qualified partners, so its clients can avail themselves of the cream of professionals operating in every area of law.

In particular, solid, ongoing collaborations with leading Italian and international law and tax organizations mean the firm is able to offer global assistance in managing highly complex operations.

The firm is connected with all services provided by Italian Public Administration and with the PNI (Piattaforma del Notariato Italiano, the IT platform for notary document management). This makes it possible to set up an SRL (Società a Responsabilità Limitata, Italian limited liability company) entirely online and by videoconference. A high level of technology and application of the best possible digitalization enables delocalized actions, compliant with notarial legislation.

Areas of expertise

Areas of expertise

Supported by venerable professional tradition and permanent attention to changes and developments in legislation, the firm is able to provide all notarial services with a particular focus on specific fields, including: sale and donation of estate and capital stock, ordinary and extraordinary corporate operations, financing and guarantee operations, inheritance transfer law, wealth management, Third Sector organization law, establishment of innovative startups, venture capital operations, operations in the so-called “energy” field.


The firm’s offices are based in the Prati district, the very heart of Rome, at number 2 Via Crescenzio. Another branch can be found in the municipality of Civitavecchia.


The firm’s offices are based in the Prati district, the very heart of Rome, at number 2 Via Crescenzio. Another branch can be found in the municipality of Civitavecchia.